Our Journal

There are 11 issues of The Nottingham Astronomical Society Journal produced per year by the Journal editor, with articles and ‘for sale’ adverts contributed by NAS members. There is a July/August double issue.

The January 2025 issue may be downloaded using the link below.

If you wish, you can receive the Society’s Journal free by e-mail. Just send an e-mail, asking to be added to our e-mailing list, to .

The following previous issues are also available for download:


The Society received original copies of the Society Journal dating back to the period 1946 – 1952. The documents contain (amongst many other things) reference to the first discussions regarding the decision to build our observatory, their 64 members and their open air meetings and annual trips to Cambridge University Observatories. The documents were received from Patricia Shepherd, sister of former NAS member Trevor Watts, and are now available for download below: