
Anybody can join our society. Just fill in our membership form and bring it with you to the next meeting or email our Membership Secretary.

We encourage people new to the society to attend a few meetings as a visitor before committing to membership. Visitor fees for our meetings are £3 Adults, £1 Concessions

Membership fees for the current year are:

Individual Family ‡ Students
Full Year £30 £45 £5
Half Year * £15 £22.50 £5

Please note that concessions are applicable to under-18s, full-time students, and people who are unemployed and receiving benefits.

Cheques should be payable to Nottingham Astronomical Society.

‡ Family category covers up to 2 Adults, and any children/students living at the same address.

*Individual and Family members joining after June pay half the annual fee, for the remainder of the year to 31 December.