Nottingham Astronomical Society Safeguarding Statement
• The Nottingham Astronomical Society acknowledges a duty of care to provide a safe and secure environment for children and adult visitors to the Society’s Observatory and other meeting venues.
• The Nottingham Astronomical Society will adhere to all laws relating to these activities.
• The Nottingham Astronomical Society recognises that the disabled, young and those from different socio-economic or racial backgrounds can be particularly vulnerable to abuse. Any member witnessing abuse on the Society’s premises or during its activities will immediately report such matters to the member responsible (currently Dr James Dawson, Observatory Director) or any other Committee member present at the time.
• During any visit which involves a child, the child must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for the child at all times whilst attending activities held by the Society. At no time will any other member of the Nottingham Astronomical Society act ‘in loco parentis’.
• When groups of children (Beavers, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, etc) visit the Society’s Observatory, the visiting organisation will ensure that there are sufficient adults, vetted as suitable to work with children, to ensure the
supervision and safety of those children under their care.
• Visiting groups who do not adhere to the above will not be admitted to the Observatory or any of the Society’s activities.
• Records of any safeguarding concerns will be maintained and securely stored.
NAS Committee
Autumn 2022