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NAS Observatory Live

During Spring 2021 the Nottingham Astronomical Society Observatory was refit with new telescopes and mount. On Thursday 15th July our meeting was broadcast live from the observatory to official launch the new instruments inside the dome.

Our Treasurer Mike Provost looked back through the archives to document the history of the NAS Observatory located on the Cropwell Wolds between Cotgrave and Cropwell Bishop.

Vice Chairman Richard Severn provided a virtual tour of the observatory site and a look at the future plans to develop the facility.

Chairman Julian Onions and Observatory Director James Dawson demonstrated the new Telescopes installed inside the dome.

With clear skies live views of the moon and Venus were provided through the new C14 telescope.

The first image taken of Jupiter through the C14 at a low altitude of 17 degrees. on 18th July 2021 11:53 UTC.

Jupiter with shadow transit of Ganymede, Ganymede off the planet to bottom left. Great Red Spot at 3 O’clock

  • Celestron C14
  • ZWO ASI224MC
  • Skywatcher EQ8
  • X2 Powermate

Perseid meteor shower at the NAS Observatory

Below are images taken by NAS members of the Perseid meteor shower at our star party last night.

It was terrific to see so many members back at our first opening of the observatory, with such a family atmosphere.

Image by Dane Atkin – Canon GX7 compact over one hour.
Image by Jack Worsnop – F2.8, ISO 1000, 4 sec exposure

Images by Mark Fairfax – eVscope Dumbbell Nebula and Whirlpool Galaxy

The new society C14 scope  was kept busy with Venus, Moon, Saturn and Jupiter all making an appearance during the evening. But the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules M13 stole the show.

What a special sight to look at, thanks to Barrie for bringing his eyepieces for us to use on the C14 to view it.

It was lovely to see our members once again.

Noctilucent Clouds

Our June Plumtree meeting was a talk on Noctilucent Clouds by James Dawson & Sandra Brantingham. With an update of the Nova in Hercules with Jeremy Shears

Nova in Cassiopeia

Mike Provost has captured this image of the recent nova V1405 Cas.

The nova is in Cassiopeia very close to the Bubble Nebula – NGC 7635. Here’s an image from Leigh Blake taken a few years prior.

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