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Fabulous fireball at the observatory

The first fireball from the observatory for 2024 was captured by it’s UK Meteor Network camera kit UK00AN in the early hours 04:07 UTC on the 21st March.

Fireball (Sporadic; vis mag -4.7, Vg 13.71km/s; mass 54g)

Meteor camera at NAS Observatory

A recent spectacular sporadic meteor captured by the observatory meteor camera UK00AN on 13th February 2024 at 02:29 UTC, (credit UK Meteor Network).

Sporadic meteor (vis mag -2.4; Vg 31.23km/s; mass 3.4g) Best intersection: Stations UK009M and UK00AN with Qconv = 73.87°

January Emmanuel meeting

Due to school holidays our January meeting takes place on the second Thursday in January (Thursday 11th January 2024)

The speaker is Prof Phil Sutton from the University of Lincoln. The talk is titled Interstellar Interlopers. Visitors are most welcome to attend the meeting. Entry is £3 Adults, £1 Students.

Lunar Occultation of Mars

Lunar Occultation of Mars on 8th December 2022. High magnification view using a Celestron C14 and ZWO ASI224 FOV: 2.15′ x 1.61’Resolution: 0.10″/pixelArea: 3.46 sq’Focal length: 7820mmFocal ratio: f/22.0

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