British Astronomical Association – Summer Meeting
Nottingham 25th June 2022 Hosted by Nottingham Astronomical Society
University of Nottingham – Physics Department
Programme of events
10:00 Registration
10:30 David Arditti Welcome and Medal Award
10:40 Prof Frazer Pearce Adventures in the Goldilocks Zone: the search for other Earths
11:30 Refreshment Break
11:50 Prof Christopher Conselice “Origins: The universe to intelligent life and everything in between”
12:40 Lunch
14:00 James Dawson Nottingham Astronomical Society
14:30 Prof Ofer Lahav “AI for exploring the dark universe”
15:20 Refreshment Break
16:00 Julian Onions “Galaxies – One Gigayear at a time”
16:50 BAA Section Updates
17:30 David Arditti Closing remarks
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